Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Favorite Baby Products 0-12 months

We have so many things from our first year of parenthood I'd love to share! For now, here is a list of products we would absolutely recommend. There are many other things we enjoyed, but these are at the top of our list. 

Graco Pack n Play -- we used this in the living room for daytime naps as a newborn and now we use it when we travel. So convenient. [link]

Eddie Bauer Quilted Play Yard Sheet-- makes the pack n play "mattress" more soft and comfy. [link]

Zippered Pajamas-- snaps and buttons are way too difficult at 2am & 4am! These ones are Target's Circo brand  [link]

Changing Pad-- skip the changing table and use this on top of a dresser or your bed. Ours is a hand-me-down from Oliver's cousin.  [link]

Mam Pacifiers-- we received these as a baby shower gift and Oliver loved them. He didn't like some other shapes/brands we tried. He stopped using pacifiers around 9 months old. [link]

IKEA Antilop High Chair-- it's simple, it's cheap, and there's nowhere for crusty food to hide! Love this chair. [link]

Baby Einstein Caterpillar & Fiends Activity Gym-- kept Oliver busy for months! And the toys are detachable. He still loves the toys-- especially the ones that make loud noises when you shake them. [link]

Lamaze Octivity Time Toy-- this toy has made him happy since he was a tiny babe. We used to have it attached to his crib and he'd play with it when he woke up. Now we keep it in the car to play with when he gets bored. [link]

Kirkland brand Infant Formula (from Costco)-- my babe did not like the boob. And formula is CRAZYEXPENSIVE. Thankfully, Costco pulled through and fed our baby bear all year, for half the price of other brands.  [link]

Leap Frog My Pal Scout-- this dog does it all! We mostly use this for lullaby music (every night). But he also sings songs and plays games. He always cheers Oliver up if he's cranky. Oh, AND it's customizable! You plug it into your computer and pick the songs, tell him your baby's name, favorite food, etc. so he says creepy things like "Goodnight Oliver!" :) [link]

Boon Catch Plate with Spill Catcher-- I got this on a whim at Marshall's. Its great! The plate suctions to the high chair tray. And the "spill catcher" reduces the amount of food falling to the ground. Oliver mostly self feeds (baby led weaning), and this helps a ton. Plus, he's learning how to use a plate without throwing it off his tray table. [link]

Boudreaux's Butt Paste-- the best diaper cream. Hands down. And it smells so good. [link]

Crane Drop Shape Cool Mist Humidifier-- the best looking humidifiers on the market. Really quiet. We have one in white for us, and green for Oliver. They also have white/blue, pink & orange. [link]

ErgoBaby baby carrier-- we bought this on recommendation from my sister in law. We found them for a really great price, so we bought both the Original & Sport versions. I really love the Sport; it is so soft and folds up smaller. We also used a BabyBjorn when Oliver was younger. I just like "baby wearing" so any brand is fine by me! [link]

California Baby Shampoo & Body Wash-- it just smells so good. I registered for it, so I have a ton from my baby shower! We're currently still using our first bottle in the Calming formula.  [link]

Carter's Sleep Sacks-- we used these until Oliver was about 7 months old. The sizing says 0-9 months. It keeps them nice and warm without having to be paranoid about blankets resting over your baby's face. Since he has grown out of these, we now use (when it is cold enough), Summer brand sleep sacks & Hippo Hop sleeping sacks. They sell these other brands for ridiculou$ price$! I got ours at TJ Maxx and Zulily, respectively.  [link]

Honorable mention: Carter's and Osh Kosh. They are my favorite brands for Oliver's clothes. Always soft & cute. The Osh Kosh Genuine Kids clothing line at Target is so stinkin cute. 

[all photos are from the brand's website or reseller]

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