Sunday, October 04, 2009

Windy Whispers

I planned on writing about the windy weather of the bay area today. Instead, I was inspired by pictures of dandelions. While on a walk with Dave last month we found a patch of grass right off the bay that was covered in dandelions -- a mini field of wishes. What a philosophical plant; you either see it as a 'field of dreams' or a patch of weeds. I just wonder; does anyone believe in the power of dandelion wishes? Is it just some way of putting your hopes into the universe? Do we remember those wishes when they do or do not come true?
I don't have an answer, but I won't stop trying to get all of the seeds off in one breath any time soon. It's like being in my backyard next to the ol' swing set, wishing for a dachshund puppy from my parents by blowing out a weed. ...Maybe my dreams have changed a bit...

1 comment:

amy said...

Megan Joy,

This is just beautiful. You are beautiful.

Keep writing. I love all these udpates!