Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Power's out!

The "big" storm of Oct 13th hit! And boy, it was a doozy! It really was not that bad. Yes, there were car accidents and other costly incidents, but compared to the fear that was instilled in the news since last Thursday, it wasn't bad. I felt safe. But maybe that's because I was able to stay off the roads by choice.
I did, however, make a little adventure to one of my local Targets. I live within a mile of TWO. It's a dream come true. No Wal-Marts in sight! (sorry Dad and C. You won't find one when you visit.) After browsing the dollar section for about a minute, the lights went out. Girls were screaming. I laughed out loud. The generater kicked in and dim lights were running. I, along with maybe 5 other people, continued to shop. I didn't risk my life driving a whole mile just to turn around and leave! Target team members used it as an opportunity to roll out the big ones and stock up the shelves. I used it as an opportunity to shop in peace; squinting my eyes as I tried to distinguish the actual color of the object in front of me. I left shortly after with the perfect [on sale] cardigan and a smile on my face. I ain't scared of no storm!

I remember as a kid being stuck in various places during storms... Costco; a long walk home from school; neighbors' front yards; the end of Rancho Sierra during a lightning storm with my best friends; on a drive from the mall in Oklahoma while Grandma worries on the porch of Uncle Jim's.... Weather brings out the memories in me... :)
I'm sure my brother, a power lineman, is lovin' it! <3


Allyson said...

The power went out when I was in class yesterday afternoon and we just kept on going in the dark. It was pretty funny, my professor kept looking out the window and saying things like, "Does anybody have a raft?" or "You know, if the levees break, Sac State is ground zero for terrible flooding," and "If I rode a unicorn to work it would be awesome, and it would be sparkly, probably." She's kind of an awesome professor. But the power was only out for about 25 minutes but that stupid storm backed traffic up and it took me an hour to drive the 17 miles back home. Oh, and that storm caused a tree to assault me and I pretty much looked like an idiot wrestling with a tree right in front of a bunch of people.

p.s. Your blog is always so pretty, I enjoy the pictures.

Megan said...

Thanks Allyson!
So, who won? The tree or you? Yeah, unfortunately, power outages don't mean going home from school like it [almost] did in jr. high.

Allyson said...

Alright, it's been two months, I can finally tell you who won in the great tree fight of 2009 (I know you've been holding your breath)! I did. I totally won. I know this because the next day I walked past the very place where the scuffle had broken out and the tree had been cut down. It was just a stump. It's clear I wasn't the only person that tree had beef with. And you know what? I was not sad to see it gone.