Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mommy Make-Up & Ramble

Everyone says to sleep when your baby sleeps. Which is good solid advice. And we try to do this as often as possible. But more often than not, we have to do laundry, take a shower, eat something, brush our teeth, or check facebook/instagram/twitter when the little one is asleep. Once you finish and are able to sit down to catch some ZzZz's, your baby is likely to be screaming for food or a diaper change. At least that's how our Oliver is. He definitely doesn't like having wet diapers (though he hasn't minded the dirty ones so much).

I'm lucky enough to have my husband and mother-in-law at home with me. And though David is still looking for work, we're finding this time at home to be a blessing. If David had found something before O was born, he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with his new little family, getting to know O's little quirks and sounds. And since I have extra helpers around the house, I can squeeze in 10 minutes to comb my hair and put on make up. And that is a wonderful thing! It's almost always a mood-booster.

So I wanted to share my do-your-make-up-really-fast-so-you-can-hold-your-baby-and-snuggle-some-more-before-he-screams-and-you-feel-like-he-will-never-stop-crying. Oh and it's also a I-got-4-hours-of-sleep-last-night-and-need-some-concealer.

Which leads me to my first product recommendation! Concealer! To cover those dark circles that I never had before... Use whatever works for you. Right now I'm using a Maybelline one. It's quick and easy and works.

If time allows for it, use your foundation. My favorite is Nars Sheer Glow. It's expensive. But it's the best for my skin.

If time doesn't allow for it, blend your concealer in and go for your blush! Without it, you'll look a bit pale and tired. Blush really perks you up. That's why ladies in movies always pinch their cheeks before walking up to a cute guy. It really does make a difference. I like a lot of blushes. But the one I'm using right now is MAC's in Margin.

My eyes are huge. So I need to shape them a bit with some eyeliner on my eyelids. Doing a little flick at the outside corners makes them more almond-shaped. The easiest one I have in my collection of make up is Loreal Lineur Intense. But Maybelline Line Stiletto is the same thing.

And finally, mascarachapstick! No time for eye shadow. Maybe tomorrow.

Want to see what I look like today from the other side of the computer screen? Hello! (It may look cute, but Oliver was in the middle of a I'm-so-tired-so-I'm-going-to-scream fit. It didn't last long, thankfully).

1 comment:

Trafficman said...

See, I read your blog! :-)