Friday, September 04, 2009

Upcoming Weekend

Not my niece or nephews. Photo found here.

Do you know how much I enjoy being an aunt? If only I had all the time in the world to babysit and help out my brothers and sisters in law. Those kids just light up my life--even Amelie, the youngster I haven't met yet. N&R's L makes an English major proud; using similes, metaphors and large adjectives--at age 2 1/2. The sweetest, most talkative little girl I know. M&M's J-Dog seems to be the sweetest older brother to his newborn Amelie. And I get to see 3 of 5 nieces and nephews this weekend!

We are celebrating Grandma Nadine's 90th birthday. Most of the Dahlstroms and Walkers will reunite! A first since... hm... 2001, I would guess. I've seen Uncle Richard a few times during a visit to San Diego and a visit to Fresno. And N&R have seen some of the family in Fresno on occasion. But we (most of us) will be together at last! We're all grown up now--or at least in process--and I am so excited to spend the weekend with fine people. And possibly live vicariously through their stories of my dream home of the moment: Seattle.Gramma Nadine when she was my age

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