Our language doesn't really allow us to put our emotions into words. There is the whole Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis that basically says that our thoughts are shaped by our language. With this comes a serious amount of restriction. We can't say a lot of things because our language simply doesn't allow it, or doesn't have the exact word for it. For example, the word we ALL cannot define is love. How on earth do you define LOVE!? There are so many types of love. So many emotions. I think Ben Folds captures one aspect of love through his song The Luckiest.
Listen to it here.
Lyrics are in the info bar.
I'm pretty positive my family is very familiar with this song. Just spreading the love for Ben Folds in the blogsphere.
Oh also, James and I are seeing Ben Folds in San Diego on May 21st. CHyeah!!
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