Thursday, March 13, 2008

System File Missing

My laptop has pooped out on me. I've been getting the "Blue Screen of Death" at least once a week lately. But I thought maybe if I tweaked one or two things it would stop. I turned my computer completely off more regularly. And had more frequent virus checks. But maybe I should have just had someone check out my computer. Because now the only thing my computer does is show a black screen with white letters stating, basically, that I don't have Windows. What? ...What?
I knew that I was a computer junkie. A junkie in the sense that I am ALWAYS on it. Not that I know much about how it works. But without it, I am realizing how dependent on it I am. On Tuesday, the day it decided to stop working, I was lost in what to do after I returned home from school. I read a magazine. Talked to my roomie. (Maybe I should have studied..?)
And now I'm thinking that I may have needed this break from my dearest computer. I started reading a book last night. I bought A Prayer for Owen Meany in January, recommended by James' BFF Kristin. And now I have the chance to read it. Though I didn't spend all night attempting to get halfway through the book, I did make a dent in it. It's funny how I love reading when I actually do it, but hate thinking about reading. Kind of like the problem many people have with exercise. Once you're done exercising at the gym you feel great! But planning to do it and taking the steps to get there is a drag.
So anyway. Of course I can't go completely without any computer! And here I am. In the Love Library at SDSU, writing a blog...

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